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What Is a Noun Verb Agreement

Noun-verb agreement, also known as subject-verb agreement, is a crucial aspect of English grammar that ensures sentences are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. It refers to the agreement or matching of the number and person of the subject and the verb. In simpler terms, if the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb that follows should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural as well.

For example, let`s take the sentence `She walks to the park.` Here, `she` is the singular subject, and `walks` is the singular verb. The subject and verb agree in number and person, making the sentence grammatically correct.

Similarly, in the sentence `They walk to the park,` `they` is the plural subject, and `walk` is the plural verb, making the sentence grammatically correct.

However, when a sentence includes compound subjects, it can sometimes be confusing to determine whether the verb should be singular or plural.

For instance, consider the sentence `The dog and the cat walks to the park.` Here, `dog` and `cat` are both singular, but the verb `walks` is singular, making the sentence grammatically incorrect. It should be `The dog and the cat walk to the park.`

Likewise, in a sentence with collective nouns such as `team`, `audience`, or `class,` it can be tricky to determine whether to use singular or plural verbs. For instance, `The team is playing well` is correct, but `The team are playing well` is incorrect. Similarly, `The audience is enjoying the performance` is correct, but `The audience are enjoying the performance` is incorrect.

In conclusion, noun-verb agreement is a fundamental aspect of English grammar that ensures sentences are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. It is crucial to match the number and person of the subject and the verb to make the sentence grammatically correct and easy to understand. As a professional, it is important to pay close attention to noun-verb agreement to ensure that your clients` content is of the highest quality and ranks well on search engines.